Sunday, October 26, 2014

Halloween and Upcoming Dates

On Friday, October 31st we are having our Halloween Party at 12:50-1:40.  The students are able to wear their costume to the party if they would like to dress up.  They will change into their costume at school before the party. Please no weapons, violent costumes, blood, face paint, or colored hair spray for the school party.  If you have questions, please call and ask. 

On November 6th we are going to the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake Iowa and the McNider Art Museum. We will leave at 8:20 that morning. All students will need a sack lunch. 

Please continue to sign your child's reading log on Thursday evenings. Almost every student is turning in a log each week, which is wonderful to know that the students are reading at home for 20 minutes.  Thank you for what you do at home to accomplish this.

Math, Reading, and Writing this Week

In math we have been working on solving number sentences, determining if number sentences are true or false and order of operations.  Ask your child what is Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.  Tomorrow we will be starting decimals.  Things to do at home include reading decimals.  For example: 5.7 would be read five and seven tenths,   .04 would be read four hundredths. Students also need to know which number is larger or smaller.  .6 or .06  for example. 

In reading we have been studying the sequence of events to help determine text importance.  Word study patterns students have been working on include long and short u patterns.  Words like tooth, chewy, and pumpkin all have the different patterns we have been studying.

In writing we are still working on our personal narratives.  We are getting ready to edit them with partners.  We are excited to share them with our parents and friends.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Important Information

Just a reminder that we will not have school on Thursday and Friday of this week due to Minnesota Education Week.  On Wednesday we will be meeting with Mrs. Seeger, our media specialist, and will be learning the new Maud Hart Lovelace books for the year.  We will also start blogging this week with Mrs. Seeger. 

The math standard that we are working on for the next few weeks will be multiplication.  Our goal for fourth grade is 25 facts in 2 minutes.  Any work you can do at home would be AWESOME!  I have many links on my math pages but you can also click HERE.  I have been teaching some strategies to learn the math facts and the students have been making up some rhymes to help remember the facts. Ask your student to share these.  Have a great week.

Our Walk-a-Thon

On Friday we were able to complete our walk-a-thon.  It was a sunny day and it actually became very warm outside. Many students were taking off their jackets.  Thanks to all the parents who volunteered for our walk.  We loved having you with us.  On Wednesday we will be having our pizza party.  So no cold lunches needed. Here we are as we started our walk.

Our 4th Grade Class

Our Silly Class Picture

Sunday, October 5, 2014


© Natasha Balletta

Our class was the TOP class for amount of money raised.  So we won a pizza party.  I really talked with the students since we set this as our goal when we sent home the packets.  We achieved our goal by everyone working together and doing their share in raising money.  I am super proud of my students.  Ask them about what we did to celebrate...   We were pretty PUMPED UP that we won!

Hanging out in Fourth Grade

Inside recess on a rainy day means we play Jenga, Legos, Checkers, Chess, and other board games.


STAR of the WEEK

Kendall was our latest star of the week. Her favorite books are Junie B Jones, she loves reading and writing, hunting with dad and brother, and can make great white chili.  The person she admires most is her mom.  Kendall you are the star of room 119.

Danielle was the star of the week last week.  She enjoys reading and playing outside.  One of her favorite things to do is ride her bike.  She is surely a star of room 119.

Mckenzie V. was our first star of the week.  She loves to figure skate and is very special because she has a twin sister in fourth grade.  She is the star of room 119.