Thursday, February 27, 2014

Reader's Theater

Every three weeks we do a reader's theater in our classroom.  Mrs. Dorman, our reading specialist came in and taped us last week.  Check out our group.

Reader's Theater

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast-Yearbook-Snack & Milk Forms

The breakfast will be Friday morning from 7:15 to 8:00am.  Eggs, donuts, bananas, and Juice. Bring your parent!

Yearbook orders are due now. $15.00 to Sibley PTO

Trimester 2 ends on Friday, please turn in any snack and milk forms.

Gracie-The Star of the Week!

Gracie is the star this week.  She is always smiling and has an awesome hero...... her dad! How cool is that? She is always such a caring person and willing to help others.  Gracie enjoys all kinds of sports!  Super Star of room 119!

INSIDE RECESS!! Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have had many inside recess days.  We try and have fun but we are ready for warmer temperatures and sunny weather.


We have been working on summarizing in 4th grade.  We take 3 or 4 important ideas from the text or passage and make a summary.  Nice job 4th graders!

Nancy Carlson-Author Visit

Nancy Carlson came to visit on Wednesday.  She talked about her characters in her stories and how she became an author and illustrator.  She was able to share some of her ideas from her books and helped us draw characters from her books. 

Interactive Dance Lesson with the COWLS Center

Today we had a history lesson while we incorporated dance into our lesson.  It was via a web cam from an instructor at the Cowls Center from Minneapolis Minnesota.  Thanks Mrs. Bergene!


                           The Cowles Center exterior

Native Pride Dancers

Last week, we had an awesome opportunity to dance to the beat of the drum with Larry Yazzie, Rueben Crow Feather, and Mikayla Schaaf.  These three people are Native Americans from some local tribes in Minnesota. We were able to meet with all of them in our classroom during the morning and talk about Native American cultures and traditions as well as identifying some of our own cultures.  As part of our PAINT program we have been blogging about our experiences and sharing our ideas and deep thinking comments and questions with each other.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Star of the Week

We have had three star of the weeks! This is Adrian Anderson. He enjoys spending time with his family and playing hockey. 

This is McKenzie Romer.  She is active in basketball and dancing.  She has three brothers and always busy with friends!

Brandon Colby is a star or room 119 too.  Brandon also enjoys planning hockey, being outside, and playing with friends.
                             All of these three students are Shining Stars in Room 119. 

Game Night Recap

Here are some pictures from game night.

Native American Children of Today

Students have been comparing and contrasting their culture to Native American culture. One project that the students completed was reading a book about Native American Children of today and comparing the traditions that might be similar or different from their own. Students then created a poster showing the Native American tribe and the drawing the symbols that represent that tribe and the region from where they originated. See the examples below:

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Fun Night Reminder

Hope you can join us on

Friday, February 7th

 6-8 pm at Sibley Elementary School for a dazzling red carpet event!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Prairie Fire Theatre

We had 12 students from my class participate in the play Beauty and the Beast on Friday and Saturday.  Everyone did such a great job in their performances. 


On Friday was our first day of our PAINT unit.  PAINT stands for Perpich teaching in and through the arts. This is a grant that we received to teach integrated arts and social studies to all fourth graders.

We had a presentation from Darlene St. Claire, she is a professor at St. Cloud State, and teaches native studies.  She talked with the students about indigenous people, culture, and the different tribes that are native to Minnesota. 

Next week we will be reading Shannon, which is a non fiction text about a an Ojibway dancer.  We will also be reading Children of Native America Today.  This text includes some of the Native America culture groups living in the US.  This text describes about their heritage, traditions, art, and cultures.

We will be having Larry Yazzie come and talk about his native culture.  He will be story telling, dancing, and explaining his background information.  Students will be creating a dance after his presentation.

More pictures to come!