Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Some end of the year things

Book Bags
Your child has brought home a bag with books. These books came home in a clear plastic bag. We are looking to have all of the book bags back to school by May 27th. Please check at home for these book bags and have your child bring it back to Title One.

Friday, May 20th
Hats Off To Relay! Day. Students are invited to wear a hat for a donation to the Relay for Life (suggested donation is $.25 - $1.00). Millions of cancer patients around the world lose their hair during chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. Wearing caps and hats are their badge of courage as they battle this disease. Please join us as we honor their courage.

End of the year
The last day of Title One is May 27th. We have been working with our students these last couple of weeks to finish any additional standards they need to work on.
June 2nd
The last day of school, June 2nd, is now an early dismissal day and school will be dismissing at 12:05. This is in addition to the already scheduled early dismissal day next Tuesday, May 24th at 12:05.