Friday, September 11, 2015

First Week of School

We have had a busy first week of school!  The students have been learning the daily schedule and routines of the classroom. Thank you to the parents for signing the planner each next and helping your child practice this routine. 
We have had a great start in math.  We having been learning about the math practices that good math thinkers use to prepare ourselves for working on solving math problems this year.

We have started the year by learning the routines of reading time.  Fourth grade will be having a reader’s workshop time which will include a whole group lesson, small group time with Mrs. Jensen to have a lesson at their reading level, and sharing time.  We have also been working on making connections to books that we read.

Reading Logs
Thank you to all the parents for supporting your child in getting into the routine of reading each night.  The students are bringing home a new reading log today. They should be reading 20 minutes five days a week.  They should complete the reading log each time they read and return it to me next Friday, Sept. 18th signed by a parent.

We have had a great week here at Sibley.  I hope your student has told you all about their daily events.  Have a great weekend and I maybe will see you at the football game tonight!  Go TIGERS!