Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Latest News!

Academics & Announcements
The students have been working on several methods of multiplying up to four digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. Next week we will be working on multiplying by two-digit numbers.

The fourth graders have been studying how to make inferences or “read between the lines” while they read.  They have been looking for clues or evidence in what they read to support the inferences made.  Next week they will be learning about the historical fiction genre.

Conferences will be held in the evening on December 8, 10 and 17th.  A paper with a scheduled conference time for your child was sent home today.  Please return the paper to school as soon as possible.

Reading Logs
The reading logs that were sent home today will be due on November 30th.  Due to the short week next week, I will not be sending home another reading log then. Thank you for supporting your child in their reading!

Upcoming Dates

11-20   Family Movie Night at Sibley @ 6:30 p.m.

11-26   No School-Thanksgiving

11-27   No School

12-8   Evening Conferences

12-10    Evening Conferences

12-17   Evening Conferences

12-23 to 1-1  No School  for Winter Break