Sunday, February 2, 2014


On Friday was our first day of our PAINT unit.  PAINT stands for Perpich teaching in and through the arts. This is a grant that we received to teach integrated arts and social studies to all fourth graders.

We had a presentation from Darlene St. Claire, she is a professor at St. Cloud State, and teaches native studies.  She talked with the students about indigenous people, culture, and the different tribes that are native to Minnesota. 

Next week we will be reading Shannon, which is a non fiction text about a an Ojibway dancer.  We will also be reading Children of Native America Today.  This text includes some of the Native America culture groups living in the US.  This text describes about their heritage, traditions, art, and cultures.

We will be having Larry Yazzie come and talk about his native culture.  He will be story telling, dancing, and explaining his background information.  Students will be creating a dance after his presentation.

More pictures to come!