Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pizza and Limo Ride

On Tuesday the fourth graders were able to go for their limo ride and pizza party at Pizza Hut.  Here are a few pictures from the day.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanksgiving and Break

Just a reminder that we do not have school on Thursday and Friday of next week.  The students still have their reading log with them over the break, so I am hoping they will continue reading through the break.  Our goal is 20 minutes every night.  I will be collecting them on Monday after the break. 

Questions to ask your child as they are reading.  What inferences are they are making?  Making an inference is a reading comprehension strategy we have been working on the last two weeks. When we make inferences we are trying to figure out what the author is saying by clues or evidence from the book. An inference is not directly stated.  We have also been asking ourselves questions before we read, when we are reading, and after we are reading.

If you child does not have books at home to read, please let me know.  They are able to have four books from the library and I will make sure they are reading books that are just right for them.  I want to find high interest books so they enjoy reading.  Thanks for your continued support for your child and our classroom.


In collaboration with Nelson's Market Place, our class donated 92 items to the local food shelf.  Thank you to all who helped!  The fifth graders came around on Friday and picked up all the items donated.

Pizza Party

On Friday we had our pizza party in our classroom for being the top classrroom with the most money raised per student. We had dominos pizza, fruit, and dessert! 

Mrs. Lair is the Star of the Week!

The Star of room 119 was Mrs. Lair this last week.  Mrs. Lair is married to Loren and they have two children, Brittany and Alex. In her spare time she enjoys reading and working out. Her hero is Mrs. Obama and her favorite book is Sarah's Key. We are so lucky to have her in our room!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Veteran's Day

On Monday, November 11th, we had our Veteran's Day program at Sibley.  We started the program off with the Color Guard bringing in the flags, Dr. Funk spoke to us about the importance of the day, and we sang a few songs directed by Mrs. Bergene. At the end of our program we watched a slide show of pictures of people who are related to students at Sibley who have or are serving in the different branches of the military. We even found out Lance, our custodian, has served for many years in the military!  It was a very patriotic event!
After the program Gracie's dad came in to speak to us about his experiences.  He brought in his pack and student's were able to experience his Kevlar helmet, vests, and other clothing.  We were also able to ask questions about his uniform and duties he has been on. 
Mr. Enser is a trainer at Fort Ripley for  leadership classes for other military men. Thank you for visiting and serving our country!!


Rose is Star of the Week!

Rose was our latest star of the week! She had visitors come in and bring her little puppy in for her special item to share. Rose enjoys riding four wheeler and hunting with her dad.  You are a special star in room 119.

Critters and Company

We had a great presentation from Critters and Company.  This is an assembly provided by our PTO.  The speaker brings in different animals and tells a story or a valuable lesson with the use of his animals.  This is year the assembly was about diversity.  Some of the animals that visited were a boa constrictor, a rabbit, a squirrel, and birds.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mason is the STAR of the WEEK!!

 Mason was our star of the week. Mason enjoys hunting, reading, and playing with his yellow Labrador retriever.  You should see the turkey that Mason shot.  He is very knowledgeable about turkey hunting!Thanks Mason for sharing.  You are a shining star in room 119.

Halloween Party

At our Halloween Party~
Students dressed up and we had yummy bat donuts with vampire teeth and mummy juice boxes.

We had Ghost Poop, Witch Warts, Monster Scabs,
and Witch Finger Nails!  (As Treats!)

We played Pictonary!
oUr AwEsOmE RoOM MoMs!
ThAnKs fOr hOsTiNg sUcH a GrEaT PaRty!!!

The Fantastic Fourth Graders of Room 119.