Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter Projects

2nd and 3rd grade students wrote winter stories for their snowmen to hold. They are hanging in the hallway on display.

Our Kindergarten students wrote their names on circles and made snowmen!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Reading at Home

January 2011 Home and School Connection

Love to Read!!

1. Create a reading friendly home.
Keep something to read in every room. You might put a basket of your childs favorite books in the living room, or bedroom.

2. Be a reading family.
Regular reading at home will help your child read school materials more easily. Set aside a time each day to read to your child and for him/ her to read on their own.

3. Match books to your child.
Familiar topics and likable characters can motivate your child to read. Ask a librarian or bookseller for suggestions.